Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The work is an original manuscripts in Linguistics.
- The text does not contain author data (name, institution, email), nor any identifying information.
- The metadata of the article has been filled.
- The work can be an article, a research note, a critical review, a new and discussion, among others.
- The publication talks about natural languages, either from basic research or applied research (in Linguistics or related areas).
Author Guidelines
Authorship and contributorship
- The journal considers authors to be people that, cumulatively, (i) are accountable for the work (totally or partially), (ii) actively contributed to the design of the research and/or the gathering, analysis, and interpretation of the data, (iii) were involved in the writing or revising of the manuscript and approved its final version.
- The journal considers contributors to be people that contributed to the paper but do not fill in authorship requirements. The contributors’ role should be clearly stated in the paper.
- All issues regarding Authorship and contributorship, namely disagreements among authors, will be dealt with by the editorial board of the journal following the guidelines from the Committee on Publication Ethics.
- Previously published information (e.g. figures, tables, etc.) should receive permission for its republishing. The authors must give the link to the original source.
Manuscripts submissions
The manuscripts are submitted to the journal website.
Authors must present a Word version as specified below and in full accordance with the instructions provided by this style sheet. The Editor reserves the right to return the manuscript to the authors for corrections when these norms are not respected.
Articles: The preferred length of articles is 20 A4 pages approximately, 3.0 cm margins on all sides. Full-length articles should deal with original topics or research.
Research notes: The preferred length of research notes is 8 A4 pages approximately, 3.0 cm margins on all sides. Research notes could include brief accounts of research or report important work in advance of a more comprehensive paper.
Book/Software/Webpage reviews: The preferred length of reviews is 4 A4 pages approximately, 3.0 cm margins on all sides.
Papers must be written in English, Portuguese, or any widespread language. Contributions in English may use either British or American spelling, provided it is used consistently. Do not hyphenate English words. Contributions in Portuguese may use either Portuguese or Brazilian spelling, provided it is used consistently.
- Text font: Avenir Next LT Pro, 12 pt, 1.5 spacing, justified text.
- Page number: placed at the bottom of the page, centered.
- Phonetic symbols: for phonetic transcription, please use the IPA-samd Uclphon1 SILDoulos font.
- All sections and subsections should have a heading.
- Examples should be numbered consecutively throughout the text in the following format: 1. Topic Title / 1.1. Subtopic Title / 1.1.1. Topic Title within Subtopic. Do not use Word's automatic numbered lists.
- Do not number the sections: Introduction, Conclusion, and References.
- Title font: Avenir Next LT Pro, bold, 14 pt, 1.0 single-spacing, no indentation, justified text.
- Subtopic title font: Avenir Next LT Pro, bold, 12 pt, 1.0 single-spacing, 1.25 indentation, justified text.
- Topic title within subtopic font: Avenir Next LT Pro, non-bold, 12 pt, 1.0 single-spacing, 1.25 indentation, justified text.
- The preceding and following text should be separated from the titles by a blank line.
First Page
- Top of the first page: title of the paper (in the primary language).
- Title font: Avenir Next LT Pro, bold, 18 pt, 1.0 single-spacing, no indentation, centered text.
- Next line: title of the paper (in English or in Portuguese for papers written in English).
- Title font: Avenir Next LT Pro, non-bold, italic, 16 pt, 1.0 single-spacing, no indentation, centered text.
- Empty line (16 pt).
- Next line: Author(s) name(s). In case of multiple authors, follow the same format and separate names by an empty line.
- Author(s) name(s) font: Avenir Next LT Pro, non-bold, 14 pt, 1.0 single-spacing, no indentation, justified text.
- Next line: Affiliation, Country of the author(s).
- Affiliation and country font: Avenir Next LT Pro, non-bold, 12 pt, 1.0 single-spacing, no indentation, justified text.
- Next line: Email address.
- Email address font: Avenir Next LT Pro, non-bold, 12 pt, 1.0 single-spacing, no indentation, justified text.
- Empty line (11 pt).
- Abstract in English (if the original language is different from English) in the format ABSTRACT: text. Abstracts must be between 350 and 450 words and indicate the contribution of the research to the area in question.
- Title font: Avenir Next LT Pro, uppercase, bold, 11 pt, 1.0 single-spacing, no indentation, justified text.
- Text font: Avenir Next LT Pro, non-bold, 11 pt, 1.0 single-spacing, no indentation, justified text.
- Empty line (11 pt).
- Keywords in English (if the original language is different from English) with the title in the format KEYWORDS: text. Use up to five keywords, each with the first letter capitalized and separated by semicolons.
- Title font: Avenir Next LT Pro, bold, 11 pt, 1.0 single-spacing, no indentation, justified text.
- Text font: Avenir Next LT Pro, non-bold, 11 pt, 1.0 single-spacing, no indentation, justified text.
- Empty line (11 pt).
- Abstract in the paper's language in the format - RESUMO: text. Abstracts must be between 350 and 450 words and indicate the contribution of the research to the area in question.
- Title font: Avenir Next LT Pro, uppercase, bold, 11 pt, 1.0 single-spacing, no indentation, justified text.
- Text font: Avenir Next LT Pro, non-bold, 11 pt, 1.0 single-spacing, no indentation, justified text.
- Empty line (11 pt).
- Keywords in the paper's language with the title in the format PALAVRAS-CHAVE: text. Use up to five keywords, each with the first letter capitalized and separated by semicolons.
- Title font: Avenir Next LT Pro, bold, 11 pt, 1.0 single-spacing, no indentation, justified text.
- Text font: Avenir Next LT Pro, non-bold, 11 pt, 1.0 single-spacing, no indentation, justified text.
- Empty line (11 pt)
- 2 empty lines (12 pt)
- Start of the article text.
The acknowledgments should be made in a footnote at the end of the first page. This note should be marked with an asterisk, introduced immediately after the last word of the title.
- Footnotes in the text should be identified by superscript numbers and listed consecutively at each page bottom.
- Font for footnotes: Avenir Next LT Pro, 10 pt, 1.0 single-spacing, no indentation, justified text.
Tables, Charts, Graphs, and Figures
- Should be inserted into the text and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals.
- Should have a title at the top in the format: TABLE 1 - Title / CHART 1 - Title / GRAPH 1 - Title / FIGURE 1 - Title.
- Title font: Avenir Next LT Pro, 11 pt, 1.0 single-spacing, centered text.
- Text font: Avenir Next LT Pro, 11 pt, 1.0 single-spacing, justified text.
- Should have a caption at the bottom specifying the data source.
- Preceding and following text should be separated from the table, chart, graph, or figure by a blank line.
- Font for caption: Avenir Next LT Pro, 11 pt, 1.0 single-spacing, centered text.
- Examples should begin on a new line and be indented (paragraph of 1.25).
- Examples should be numbered in the format (1) / (2) / (3) consecutively throughout the text. Do not use Word's automatic numbered lists.
- Example font: Avenir Next LT Pro, 12 pt, 1.5 spacing, 1.25 indentation, justified text.
- Do not underline examples or emphasised terms; these should be italicised.
- The preceding and following text should be separated from the example(s) by a blank line.
- References to numbered examples should take the following form: as in (1b) and (2).
- If the paper includes examples from a language that does not coincide with the one of the paper, glosses and translations must be given in the language of the paper (use The Leipzig Glossing Rules:
Quotations and References in the text
- Short quotations are included in the text, enclosed in quotation marks.
- Longer quotations should begin a new line and be indented, … (paragraph of 3.0). Inside a quotation, a suppression of any original passage should be marked with […].
- Long quotations font: Avenir Next LT Pro, 11 pt, 1.0 single-spacing, 3.0 indentation, justified text.
- Reference in the text should be to author’s name and date. When appropriate, indicate relevant chapter/section or, preferably, page numbers: According to Kuhn (1962: 44) / The concept is taken into consideration by several authors (e. g.: Cross, Blake, Turnbridge & Gill 2001: 228 ff.).
- For co-authored papers, include ‘&’ before the last author’s surname. For papers with three or more co-authors, indicate all co-authors’ names in the first mention; thereafter, indicate first author’s name, ‘et al.’ (italicised) and date of reference: Cross et al. 2001.
- All personal communications should be identified as ‘p.c.’ after the source name and given a date (if possible): Matthews p.c. 2004.
List of references
- References should be listed alphabetically by author at the end of the article and should follow the APA Style - 7th ed. guidelines.
- References font: Avenir Next LT Pro, 12 pt, 1.0 single-spacing, no indentation, justified text.
- Do not leave blank lines between references.
When absolutely essential, a final section of appendices can be included after the reference list. This section may contain experimental items, corpora or iconic materials relevant for the illustration of the authors’ points of view or for the demonstration of experimental results. Appendices are ordered consecutively with capital letters (Appendix A, B, C...). The Editor reserves the right to judge any appendix irrelevant and therefore to suggest its suppression from the final publication. The inclusion of a section of appendices should be regarded as exceptional.
Once a paper is reformulated on the basis of the referees’ suggestions and its final version is accepted, no substantial modifications will be allowed. Normally, all proofreading will be carried out by the Editorial Board. Nonetheless, the Editor can ask the author to review a set of page proofs. No alterations other than of printer’s errors will be admitted at this stage.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.