Viajar com livros, na construção de si mesmo
Traveling has become banal or meaningless than to occupy an empty time, giving soul to the path we take can go through reading, which opens the way and makes them new to come back renewed. With Dante we learn to gain
inwardness and with his Beatrice we come to a guide, whose name refers more
explicitly to the accompanying reference, if we read the name as Viatrix that we
associate with Viator: from “walker” we will become “road builder”, as the Guia
do Peregrino interprets in Codex Calixtino; points to this the old Martirologium
Romanum where we read that Viatrix was a martyr of the persecution of Diocletian who rescued the bodies of the brothers thrown to the Tiber and was herself buried next to the public road, ad Ursum Pileatum, in Via Portuensis: the phonetic drift would later have led to Beatrice and this name to be related to beatus, which transfers to the end of the earthly journey the happiness of those who enter the glory of Paradise. For the less imaginative, the book allows us to travel without losing the ability to tune into Nature and Others through the Poet’s path that helps us understand (intus legere) what we find in the Place we visit and leads us to Memories of readings make up a leisurely idleness.