A difusão dos Exercicios Divinos revelados de Nicolau Eschio na Península Ibérica – 1554 – 1787. Uma aproximação editorial
A documented presence in the currents of the so-called ‘Northern Spirituals’ in the mid-XVIth century in the Iberian Peninsula, until now the translation of Nicolas Eschio’s ‘Excercitia ..’, only half a dozen editions were widely known between 1551 (Évora) and 1787 (Valencia), with particular reference to the translation of Fr. Juan Ximénez, OFM.,published in Valencia in 1609, with two editions of the same year, a fact that seems to have gone unnoticed until now. The establishment of more than two dozen editions located in libraries in Portugal and Spain has allowed many of them to be placed in their editorial contexts and, in some cases, namely those of the first edition of this translation, to meet their first readers and patrons.