«Casa» como cenário no Evangelho de Mateus: ficcionalização e recepção


  • João Leonel


In the western tradition of narrative-theoretical studies, fictional space has been neglected in favor of other elements such as narrator, time, characters, and plot. More recently, under the impact of large migratory movements derived mainly from war conflicts and climate crises, the spatial aspect has surfaced. The dramatic resurgence of the search for geographical relocation has impacted both theoretical and literary reflection and fictional production. Bible studies follow a similar course. Under the influence of historicist reading and interpretation governing biblical studies over the past two centuries, literary elements, and in particular the study of the constitution of spaces, have been largely disregarded. Only from the 1980s onwards did the analytical perspective begin to change, accompanying the development of new theories, mainly linked to studies of language and literature. Thus, concepts of literary theory were used to analyze biblical narratives. In particular, as geographical spaces present in biblical texts are fictionalized and inserted in the list of literary elements available to the author for the composition of the work. This article studies a specific biblical book - the gospel of Matthew, and in particular a space - the house - to detect how such a scenario performs literary functions in that gospel. The development of the article aims to demonstrate that the house, beyond historical/geographical space, is presented in the Gospel of Matthew as a rhetorical strategy for convincing readers and updating the gospel text. We use theories developed by Franz Karl Stanzel, Roland Barthes, and Jean Marie Goulemot that link the narrative focus with the construction of narrative spaces and the reception of literary texts.


