Do manual de confessores ao guia de penitentes : orientações e caminhos da confissão no Portugal pós-Trento
The aim of this study is to identify the main features of the trajectory and evolution of the literature leading with penitence in Portugal, after the Tridentine Council. Some particular aspects of the evolution of the genre are underlined, taking into account, first, the continuity of the conditions of its production from the late 15th to the mid-16th century; secondly, its dependency on the pastoral orientations formulated by the Council - particularly through the Roman Catechism -, and thirdly, the strong influence of Spanish authors and works from the latter decades of the 16th century. The effort put on the diffusion of the sacramental confession, the calling for frequent confession and the attempt at articulating the practice of confession with that of communion and other devotional practices are emphasized.