The description of sixteenth-century unstressed vowelism: lines and between the lines in contemporary metalinguistic texts
Based on the computer processing of the 16th century grammarians, we have analyzed the definitions of phones and the relationships between these and synchronic and diachronic facts, which are also defined; the forms of the words that have been selected as the object to bee described or as the illustration of the described facts are compared with the forms of the same words employed in non metalinguistic uses. The raising of atonic <a> being the only point that is undisputed in this matter (this is due to the clearness of the description of the first grammarian, Fernão d’Oliveira), this information enables us to test the reliability of the other testimonies. The raising of the remaining atonic vowels continues to be a subject of debate, and it presents us with a vast area of common questions, starting with the chronology. The contribution of Fernão d’Oliveira being the most important, we have analysed the basic concepts («letter», [vowel] «pequena» = small, «grande» = big); we have defined the dominant perspective as being that of writing; we have revealed a larger incidence of descriptions in the phones represented by <e> and <i>, <o> and <u>, in accordance with the affirmations of proximity between them, and we have observed contrasts between the expressed doctrine and information conveyed by testimony- words, as well as between the praised writings and the genuine writings of the Author. The lack of an adjusted terminology, which is still evident in Soares Barbosa (1822) is reflected in the difficulties in conceptualization, also clear in the other Authors, whose complementary information we have synthesised. The variation <e> ~ <i> and <o> ~ <u> give rise to a large number of references; the interpretations and connections are not always appropriate, but this does not make them less informative, at least when they are compared with changes by assimilation, dissimilation and analogy, whether theses changes occurred in the past or are still in progress at that time. As a whole, the exploration of the descriptions leads partly to the characterization, in the plane of the atonic vowels, of the state of the language on which the movement of relatinisation will spread.
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