Monosyllabic CVs in Portuguese: light and degenerate? Vocal sonority and iteration of elements in the assignment of weight and in the preservation of minimality in Portuguese


  • João Veloso Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto; Centro de Linguística da Universidade do Porto


It has been argued whether Portuguese phonology comprehends a Minimality Condition imposed to all lexical entries of the language. The existence of a non-neglectable number of “light” CV monosyllables in this language has been interpreted as a clue of the irrelevance of such phonological constraint in this language. In this paper, we argue in favour of viewing Portuguese phonology as sensitive to minimality: with a very few exceptions only (basically corresponding to clitics), all words in Portuguese obey a mora-based minimality constraint which establishes that any word be at least bisyllabic or, if monosyllabic, a heavy syllable. Syllable weight is then assumed also as an important prosodic property of Portuguese. In addition to the traditional criterion to accept monosyllables as heavy (i. e., rhyme branching), a weight parametrization is postulated accepting that sonority and element iteration (within an Element Theory-based approach of the vowels’ segmental structure) do count also for syllable weight. Therefore, Portuguese monosyllables – either through rhyme branching or the inherent weight of vowels with high degrees of sonority or iterated elements – might be seen as compatible with the weight-sensitive minimality constraints that are functional in this language.


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