"O rato roeu a rolha": on the acquisition of dorsal rhotic by Portuguese children with typical and atypical language profiles
In the literature about European Portuguese (EP) it is discussed the phonological nature of the two rhotic consonants /ʀ/ and /ɾ/, contrastive only in intervocalic position (Barbosa, 1983; Mateus & Andrade, 2000; Amorim & Veloso, 2018). The rhotic /ʀ/ in EP has a wide free variation: [ʀ, ʁ, χ, x, r] (Jesus & Shadle, 2005; Rennicke & Martins, 2012; Rodrigues 2015). Data from typical acquisition in EP has shown that /ʀ/ is acquired before /ɾ/ in simple onsets (Mendes et al., 2009/13; Costa, 2010; Amorim, 2014), with obstruent allophones reported for /ʀ/. In this paper, we will analyze data from two samples: (i) a sample of 87 children with an age range of 2;11 to 6;06 years old, from the Lisbon district, monolingual in EP, without linguistic development disorders (Ramalho, 2017); (ii) a sample of 9 children with primary phonological disorder, with an age range from 3;0 to 7;6, from the Évora district. The data were collected with the application of the CLCP-PE instrument and were analyzed with PHON (Hedlund & Rose, 2019). All phonetic occurrences of /ʀ/ were considered, and then compared with realization of the targets /ɾ/, /l/ e / ʎ /, always in simple onset. In the typical development sample, the rates for /ʀ, ɾ/ were above 80% which means the acquisition of both segments at 3;00. On the other hand, in the atypical development sample, /ʀ, ɾ/ have distinctive behaviors: /ʀ/ has success rates above 50% and /ɾ/ below 50%. In both samples the more frequent phonetic variants are [ʁ, χ, x, ʀ], which shows an approximation to the obstruent class. Our data constitute a contribution to the phonological status of /ʀ/ in EP, supporting the hypothesis of the existence of two rhotic phonemes in EP (cf. Miranda, 1996; Bonet & Mascaró, 1997).
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