Rediscovering the Secrets of Voice: Hildegard of Bingen
This paper deals with the mystical and cognoscitive experience, conceptualized as «inner» vision and audition, of Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) and with the way in which the auditory relationship with the «heavenly voice» (uox de caelo) emerges in her compositions and in her re ections on music as a mediation of the divine present in the world. Hildegard’s theology of music is related to a particular conception of human being, whose «symphonic soul» (symphonialis est anima) harmonises with the celestial harmony. Her conception of harmony thus shows that music constitutes an agent of personal and social transformation. Keywords: 12th Century epistemology; senses; Theology of music.
Medieval Authors: Augustine of Hippo; Boethius; Hildegard of Bingen; Jutta of Sponheim; Tengswich of Andernach.