Science popularization as interepistemic translation: Augusto César de Miranda Azevedo’s popularizations of Darwinism in 19th century Brazil
Augusto César de Miranda Azevedo, Reception of Darwinism in Brazil, translationality, Inter-epistemic translationAbstract
This paper aims to answer the call for a transdisciplinary approach in addressing science popularization (SP) by bridging Translation Studies, Science Communication, and the History of Science. Embracing the ‘continuum model’, it understands SP as an inseparable part of science communication, challenging the ‘diffusionist model’ that isolates scientists from the public. The study delves into the connections between SP and translation, advocating for a broader perspective, emphasizing the concepts of interepistemic translation and translationality. Using a case study on the dissemination of Darwinism in Brazil, the paper demonstrates the relevance of this approach by tracing the translational path from Charles Darwin through German intellectuals Heinrich Georg Bronn, Ernst Haeckel, and Ludwig Büchner to Brazilian popularizer Augusto César de Miranda Azevedo, emphasizing translation's pivotal role in the global circulation and transformation of scientific knowledge.
KEYWORDS: Augusto César de Miranda Azevedo; Heinrich Georg Bronn; Ernst Haeckel; Ludwig Büchner; Reception of Darwinism; Translationality; Interepistemic Translation.
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